I love Capri

Capri Community


Picture by Alan Murdock

Capri Neighbourhood Watch (CNHW) is a community-driven initiative, run by the people of Capri, for the people of Capri.

As a volunteer-led program, we believe that every resident plays a crucial role in maintaining the safety and security of our neighbourhood.

By working together, we can create a stronger, safer community where everyone feels secure and supported. CNHW provides an opportunity for us all to actively contribute to our community’s wellbeing. Our volunteers are passionate about keeping Capri safe, and we invite everyone to get involved in any way they can – big or small.

Capri Neighbourhood Watch is only as strong as the people who support it. Together, we can make a real difference in the safety and security of our community.

Scroll down to to learn more and about getting involved with patrolling our neighbourhood, our Community Funded CCTV Camera Project and our community projects.

Houses in Capri
Number of adult residents in Capri
Average monthly proactive interventions driven by Community CCTV systems
Active patrollers and CNHW members
Residents contributing financially to the CNHW

How you can get involved

Become a patroller

Patrolling the neighbourhood is one of the key activities of any neighbourhood watch and we need you!

It’s a 2-hour shift once per month, with a partner. You are simply the eyes and the ears of the neighbourhood, you will report any suspicious behaviour or incidents and you will be supported in this role.

This is an essential way to look after our neighbourhood and having patrols are very effective in reducing crime.

Community Funded CCTV Camera Network

Capri is a trailblazer in Cape Town as far as the CCTV model that is used. We’re creating a network of cameras all around Capri and this initiative really works! But we need ongoing funding and support from all Capri residents to keep the cameras and monitoring going!

Help in other ways

Our Community Projects include green belt clean-ups, upgrading our Capri Kid’s Play Park, painting of common walls, tree planting, verges and community Markets. Helping hands and funds are needed for ongoing maintenance and the paid labour required.

Our Neighbourhood Watch is a community organisation run purely by volunteers. Everybody who lives in beautiful Capri can play a part in helping us keep our neighbourhood safe and secure and beautiful. You can offer your ideas, services or help out with our fundraising efforts.

CNHW Camera Fundraiser

This is a Monthly Donation with a difference!
A percentage (35%) of the donated money is given back to three lucky participants by way of a Lucky Draw every SECOND month, over 6 consecutive months.
The remainder of the money (65%) goes towards the CNHW CCTV Fund which keeps our community-funded CCTV program up and running.

Capri Summer Markets

Capri Summer Markets are being run by the CNHW during our warmer months, from October to March. The Markets are held from 9am to 1pm on the first Saturday of these months, weather permitting. They will be held at the Capri Kid’s Park, Capri Drive. These Markets have been organised so as to raise funds for the CCTV project and especially to create a space for fun and interaction in the Capri Community.

You don’t need to be a Capri resident to be a vendor.

We need your support

We need donations to keep our camera and community projects going. Please consider donating a monthly amount (of your own choice) before you leave.

CCTV Camera network

Capri community projects