I love Capri

Capri Community


Capri Summer Markets

Capri Summer Markets are being run by the CNHW during our warmer summer months, from October to March (excluding January). The Markets are held from 9am to 1pm on the first Saturday of these months, weather permitting. They’re held at the Capri Kid’s Park, Capri Drive.

These Markets have been organised specifically to raise funds for the CCTV project to help ongoing maintenance and monitoring costs of the community-funded CCTV camera project. The markets also create a space for fun and interaction in the Capri Community. Because these markets are not a commercial venture, we don’t have marketing or advertising funds so we rely on vendors and community members to assist us with promoting the market through your usual channels.

You don’t need to be a Capri resident to be a vendor, if you’re in a neighbouring area, you’re welcome to apply as well. Please fill in the form below and Alison will be in touch with more information.