This privacy notice explains how Capri Neighbourhood Watch (CNHW) uses data when captured via Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) installations. CNHW is funded by the residents of Capri, and is run on a volunteer basis to improve the security of all people, both residents and visitors, within Capri Village.

CNHW has CCTV in operation at various locations, covering various streets in the suburb of Capri, including Wingate Heights (WH) and De Oude Weg (DOW). The CCTV system captures images in real time, wherever the cameras are directed. These cameras may capture footage of people and activities in the streets of Capri. Where the field of view of the cameras includes private property, the private property section of the camera view is usually subjected to a privacy screen, effectively blanking out this portion of the view by the operators and thus cannot be viewed by monitoring staff or be recorded in any way.

Cameras have been situated in strategic locations as a crime preventative measure. There are signs in place to inform you that cameras are in use as you enter the area, while each camera location has a link to this privacy policy.

The CCTV camera monitoring is conducted via live monitoring and by the use of analytics on a black screen.  This means that the area is effectively under 24/7/365 monitoring, with a specific focus on human and vehicular movements in designated timeframes.  The monitoring team can determine the nature of the activity and where required take appropriate actions to alert the designated response teams from CNHW and/or private security companies, law enforcement and other emergency response resources such as the South African Police Services (SAPS) and the City of Cape Town emergency services.

The cameras are funded by community minded residents under the umbrella of CNHW, with a service provider entity being SENIXA, operating, administering and managing the cameras and recording equipment, as well as alerting CNHW, various private security entities as well as SAPS of any security and other incidents where action and interventions are required.

Who will be using your data?
CNHW will be the party responsible for the data collected. This is a volunteer organisation dedicated to the safety and security of all who reside, visit, or pass through Capri and its immediate surrounds.

CNHW may also share the data with suitably vetted and qualified third party organisations in order to be able to identify and act on any incidents requiring action.

What personal data do we use?

  • static and moving images of people.
  • vehicle registration numbers.

What types of special category personal data do we need from you?
We do not deliberately set out to capture any special category personal data. However, cameras may incidentally record information which falls within these categories. Additionally, footage from cameras may be used as evidence related to criminal offences and proceedings or related security measures.

Why do we use your data?

  • to ensure the health and safety of residents and visitors to Capri and surrounds;
  • to detect, prevent or reduce the incidence of crime;
  • to prevent and respond effectively to all forms of possible harassment and disorder;
  • to reduce the fear of crime;
  • to create a safer environment;
  • to call on service providers to provide and render emergency services and assistance as appropriate.

What legal reasons allow us to use your data in this way?
Our legal basis for processing your personal data is:

  • that it is necessary to perform tasks in the public interest;
  • that we have a legitimate interest in processing this information.

Our basis for processing special category personal data is:

  • there is a substantial public interest in processing this information, for the purposes of detecting and preventing crime.

Who may we share your data with or receive it from?
Sometimes we need to share your information with others. We will only do this when it is necessary, or if we are required to do so by law.  We do not in any circumstance share it with anyone else or use it for any other purpose.  When it is necessary, we may disclose footage to specific partners following appropriate motivation.

We may be asked to provide footage to assist the authorities (SAPS, Metro Police) with any criminal damages or their investigations.  We may also be asked for footage by insurance companies should there be an incident such as a car accident or damage to cars parked in Capri and surrounds.

However, there is no planned regular or scheduled sharing of CCTV footage with any external organisation.  Should this situation change, this privacy notice will be updated and reissued, to keep you fully aware of how CNHW plans to use CCTV footage, which you may be captured in.

CCTV footage will only be processed and viewed internally by CNHW volunteers and SENIXA staff who are authorised to do so, and any other parties where there is a legitimate and lawful reason for their involvement, such as SAPS in the event of an investigation.

May personal data be transferred overseas?
No data is transferred outside of the Republic of South Africa.

How long is your data kept for?
Data is routinely wiped from storage archives typically within one week.  However, where data pertains to an incident and may be required in criminal cases, this is extracted and retained indefinitely.

Does the service make decisions using fully automated processes?

Data captured by a number plate recognition camera will be matched against the appropriate national database in order to identify vehicles that may be a danger to the community.  However, the decision to contact that owner and/or take action will always be made by a suitably qualified and trained human operator.

What rights do you have over the use of your data?

  • to be informed about how we use your data;
  • to access a copy of your data that we process;
  • to restrict our processing of your personal data;
  • to object to the use of your data;
  • to have your personal data erased.

Contact Capri Neighbourhood Watch:
If you have any concerns about how CNHW is using your data, you can contact the CNHW administration at: