This elective AGM aims to establish a functional Fish Hoek Community Policing Forum for 2024-2029 that will, in terms of the principals of the Constitution of South Africa 1996, the SA Police Service Act 68 of 1995, the Western Cape Safety Act 3 of 2013 and the Uniform Constitution for Policing Forums and Boards 2/2024, provide for residents, businesses community safety structures (e.g. neighbourhood watches) and support structures within the Fish Hoek SAPS policing precinct.

Lt Colonel B. Gaffoor, the Fish Hoek SAPS Station Commander, therefore invites members of the community residing in or who have a business in the Fish Hoek SAPS precinct, to stand for nomination and election to the FH CPF at the forthcoming AGM.

Nominees who qualify for election will be elected at the AGM to be held at the Fish Hoek Minor Hall on 17 October 2024 at 19:00, by the representative(s) of businesses, community safety structures (e.g. neighbourhood watches) and community-based organisations who are registered with the FH CPF. The Guest Speaker at the AGM will be Ms Marti Weddepohl who will present a very informative presentation on on the risks and concerns facing our community and country.

You are therefore kindly requested to circulate this communication as widely as possible within your structure.

Nomination and membership forms in .docx and .pdf formats can also be downloaded from

If you are not registered with FH CPF you can do so by completing the attached FH-CPF-Membership-Application-Form-v1.8 application form.

Role of the Community Policing Forum
For community policing to succeed, it is incumbent the community, the CPF, and SAPS to work with each other in a partnership to ensure that all community safety and support structures are monitored and guided to act within the law. Some of the main objectives of a CPF, as set out in the SAPS Act section 18(1) and the Uniform Constitution 2023 Section 7.1-7.14, are to:

  1. Promote co-operation between the South African Police Service, the local community, other Law Enforcement Agencies, Community Safety Structures, Victim Support Structures, Community-based Organisations and Institutions and the Municipal Police Service;
  2. improve the rendering of police services to the community;
  3. promote joint problem identification and problem solving by SAPS and the community;
  4. mobilise the community and organisations in the community to join the Forums, Sub-Forums, Community Safety Structures and Support Structures (e.g. neighbourhood watches); and
  5. Assist with the initiation and co-ordination of social crime prevention programs and projects in conjunction with SAPS, other State Departments, Law Enforcement Agencies, Municipal Police Service and other CPF Structures.

Eligibility for Nomination
Membership of the Executive of the Forum shall be limited to South African Citizens of the age of 18 years and above.

  1. Membership shall be open to the community residing or having business in the area of the Forum and all Governmental Organizations in the Jurisdiction of the Forums or Sub-Forums.
  2. Nominees shall not be directly employed in certain regulated industries, such as taxi transport, liquor sales, tobacco sales, tow-truck operations, night-clubs, gambling, scrap dealers, firearm sales, private investigation and private security.

Submission of Nominations
Completed nomination forms can be handed in to Fish Hoek SAPS or emailed to or to the

The closing date for nominations is noon on Monday, 17 October 2024.
The presently elected members of the FH CPF are:
Chairman – Mr Andre Blom
Deputy Chairman – vacant
Treasurer – Ms Ruth Cullen
Secretary – Mr Sidney Osborne
Assistant Secretary – Mr John Lamont
Project Coordinator – Mrs Charlene Law-Brown
Public Relations – Miss Mikaela Fouché
Community Safety – Mr Glenn Hollands
Youth & Schools Coordinator – Mrs Louise Fouché
NHW Sector 1 Representative – vacant
NHW Sector 2 Representative – vacant
Sector 1 Crime Forum Representative – vacant
Sector 2 Crime Forum Representative – vacant
Elderly and Vulnerable Coordinator – vacant

On behalf of Colonel Gaffoor I thank you in anticipation for your assistance and look forward to your support and attendance at the AGM.

Best regards
Andre Blom
Fish Hoek CPF: Chairperson