The CNHW Lucky Draw Fundraiser and how it works:

This is a Monthly Donation with a difference!

A percentage (35%) of the donated money is given back to three lucky participants by way of a Lucky Draw every SECOND month, over the next 6 months.

The remainder of the money (65%) goes towards the CNHW CCTV Fund which keeps our community-funded CCTV program up and running.

There is a monthly subscription of R50 per month for 6 months, per single lucky number chosen.

You may choose more than one lucky number, but each lucky number chosen costs R50 per month, over 6 months.

The random draws will take place during the last weekends of August, October and the weekend before Christmas in December 2024.

The more Capri residents that join the Lucky Draw, the higher the bi-monthly prizes!

There are three prize winners for each Lucky Draw.

If 50 numbers (1-50) are allocated and have been paid for:

  • 1st Prize: R1000
  • 2nd Prize: R500
  • 3rd Prize: R250

When more than 50 Lucky Draw tickets are sold, the prizes will increase and if fewer than 50 Lucky Draw tickets are sold, the prizes will decrease accordingly.

The three bi-monthly winners will be notified by the CNHW Committee and announced on the WhatsApp Announcement Group, Capri Community WhatsApp Group and the Capri Community Facebook Group.

The draw will be videoed and put onto the various communication platforms of the CNHW.

How to join the CNHW Lucky Draw Fundraiser:

  1. Fill in the form at the top of this page and choose a lucky number between 1 and 75. You can choose multiple numbers at R50 per lucky number chosen. We will add additional numbers if needed! Remember to press SEND!
  2. If your chosen lucky number has already been allocated to someone else, Alison will contact you with a selection of other numbers to choose from.
  3. Your chosen lucky number(s) will be confirmed and the CNHW Banking Details for the Lucky Draw with your unique Payment Reference Code, will be emailed to you.
  4. You commit to join the Lucky Draw for the next 6 months at R50 per month and you keep the same number(s) for the next 6 months.
  5. You then need to set up a monthly automated payment for the next 6 months or you can pay the full amount of R300 for one number for the next 6 months. (July to December 2024). Remember to use your unique code when setting up the payment.
  6. Once your monthly payment has been set up, you need to pay your R50 per lucky number, by the 25th of the month, July to November and by the 15th of December for the December draw to be eligible for the draws.
  7. Please email your monthly Proof of Payment to Alison at
  8. Any questions can be addressed to Alison at

Please note

  • Participants must be 18 years or older.
  • CNHW Committee Members are not eligible to join the Lucky Draw.

The CNHW Lucky Draw Fundraiser will generate much needed funds for the following:

  • Ongoing Repairs and Camera Replacements
    The very first CCTV cameras that were installed in Capri are now coming to the end of their lives and will need to be replaced. Each camera’s lifespan is between 4 and 5 years.
  • Ongoing Maintenance of the CNHW CCTV Camera network.
  • Back-up power units for critical cameras that don’t have back-up power during load shedding.

Capri is a trailblazer in Cape Town as far as the CCTV model that is used. The reality is, however, that if we do not look after our CCTV Camera Network that many residents have contributed towards and which is primarily funded by Capri residents, and if the monthly monitoring commitments for the CCTV Cameras are not paid as committed to by residents of Capri, we will not be able to keep the CCTV Network running.

There is no doubt about it, without the support of, and required funding from our Capri residents, crime will increase in Capri!