Capri Community
A very warm welcome to Capri, whether you’ve just moved in or have been here for ages. Please have a look at our website.
If you wish to become a voluntary Capri Neighbourhood Watch patroller, please fill in the form at this link:
NHW Security WhatsApp street groups
We have a network of NHW Security WhatsApp street groups and you’re invited to join your own street group by filling in the form in the footer
On your security WhatsApp street group you are asked to only post about suspicious activity and crime that has, or is taking place and any information related to safety and security within Capri. Besides key NHW members being on all the street groups, the groups also have our dedicated Capri ADT response vehicle, the ADT Control Room and our CCTV Monitoring team from Senixa as members. These street groups allow us to get information out to as many residents as we can, as quickly as possible.
A reminder that in an emergency your first call should always be to
- Fish Hoek SAPS (0217842700, 0217842720 or 0217826289)
- Then your armed response company and
- Post to your street group.
When posting about suspicious activity please provide as much information as possible, such as
• Time of activity
• Description of persons (shoes, colour and kind of clothing, gender, race)
• Vehicles (make, model, colour, part of the registration plate eg CA123xxx)
• What made the activity suspicious.
NHW Security WhatsApp street groups should never be used for general chatter, posting of emoticons or responding to active conversations unless important and valuable information can be added.
ADT Deep South Hub
+27 72 656 2930 or +27 21 785 3585
Dedicated ADT 24/7 Armed Response Vehicle
Can be called by any resident for help or to check out a problem – only proviso being that they will always prioritise client calls. +27 73 839 9623
Capri Community Chat (WhatsApp)
Capri Lost and Found Pets (WhatsApp)
Capri Baboon Alerts (WhatsApp)
Capri Internet Connectivity (WhatsApp)
Far South Traffic (WhatsApp)
Far South Loadshedding 1 (WhatsApp)
Capri Enviro Group (Telegram)
Capri Community Group (Facebook)
It’s advisable to read specific group rules before posting. Advertising is generally not allowed on community chat groups.
For any more information, please email