2022/2023 CNHW online AGM feedback

The 2022/2023 CNHW AGM was held online on Tuesday 30 January 2024.

66 Capri/Wingate Heights/De Oude Weg Residents registered to attend the Online AGM.

Introduction (Hardy Maritz)

Hardy Maritz welcomed everybody to the Online AGM and asked the CNHW Committee to introduce themselves. He then gave an overview of the activities / events / issues for the period under review.

  • There has been continued community awareness and information sharing – via WhatsApp/Telegram Groups and Social Media pages. Our Street Security Groups now have a total of 939 vetted members.
  • Residents were encouraged to join and support the Sunnydale Ratepayers Association – only R50 per year. Contact person is Trish Wodd at sunnydale.ratepayers@gmail.com
  • 2022 and 2023– continued to be financially stressed years for many of our residents
  • We had to refocus on pledges/commitments in March to July 2023 after receipts fell off
  • Our finances returned to equilibrium in August 2023. Outflows however exceeded inflows – a hangover from the end of 2022.
  • Reminders of CCTV monthly monitoring commitments are now sent to those who committed in the form of a ‘Commitment Memo’ around the 25th of every month.
  • 2022 and 2023 the focus remained on the expansion of our CCTV installs with analytics.

Financial Targets for 2024 (Hardy Maritz)

Target: R300,000 is what we need annually!

  • Camera Monitoring/Alerts now at R25,000 per month or R300,000 per annum – all covered by community pledges/commitments.
  • Turnover of residents means we spend a lot of time finding new residents to contribute on an ongoing basis.
  • Monitoring is an ongoing cost – in many cases being funded by residents in impacted zones at R250 per camera per month.
  • Urban edges covered – Jamaica, Mauritius, Shetland, Vancouver, Tobago, Bali, Java.
  • As always – all Fundraising ideas and Volunteers are welcome!

Community Upliftment / Issues (Hardy Maritz)


  • Vivian and Community – continued with garden spaces on Capri Drive, Capri Close, Grand Bahama Corner, Capri Entrance.
  • Pathway upgrade from Catalina to Cayman Close.
  • Book Swop Library for the community has continued.
  • 5G cell phone mast at park – community response saw proposal withdrawn.
  • CNHW Communications group for information sharing on fires, protests, etc. while we also help manage services such as Baboon Alerts, Capri Pets Lost and Found, Community Chat, Far South Traffic and Load Shedding Alerts.

CCTV Project Overview (Martin Field)

Objectives: SMART Surveillance

  • Continued utilisation and deployment of cameras to deter crime and maintain a virtual perimeter around Capri.
  • Those zones in Capri with coverage experience reduced crime, to virtually zero!
  • Crime happening in those areas not covered in Capri.
  • Crime stats are on the up and there is plenty of crime in other neighbourhoods.
  • Primary funding source is residents who make pledges to cover installation cost, but more essentially monthly operating costs.
  • The ongoing costs are community funded – if we do not keep getting the needed monthly funding from community and pledges, we cannot keep the system running.
  • Installed base now at some 120 cameras – monitoring by TMC SENIXA.
  • Most of our boundary is covered – persistent gaps in Corfu and Village Mews area/zone. Need support from residents in this zone as CNHW not able to fund the cost of these alone. Apathy is a challenge.
  • Monitoring Centre working well and linking with ADT – proactive warnings to events before incidents happen, we are concerned with response times from ADT at times and are engaging with them to try and resolve.
  • TMC SENIXA has become a valued partner – we gain insights from incidents in other areas, but our community also benefits from relevant expertise and information on our committee.

CNHW is trail blazing! The CNHW model is now fully adopted and used to equally great effect in Simons Town, Clifton, Kommetjie and by NHW individuals.

Overview and Update on Crime (Gary Louis)

  • ADT dedicated vehicle continues to help with crime, more so when linked to our CCTV system and alerts from the SENIXA Control Room.
  • SAPS stopped sharing detailed crime stats with all NHWs in the valley in January 2019, this has not resumed.
  • NHW’s continue to share information between key individuals to ensure knowledge. Gary, Ashley and Tyrone are the CNHW links into the valley and with SAPS.
  • If residents do not make us aware of incidents, we have no data.
  • F-ADT is sharing their data with us, but this covers F-ADT clients only.
  • Bin days (Sunday nights and Mondays) remain a problem, with increased incidents of petty crime.
  • Petty crime where residents are careless or do not pay attention to safeguarding their possessions, remain the highest number of incidents.
  • We have had very few incidents and remain an area with very low crime in the valley.
  • Major issues in the last period were in Corfu, Sardinia and Tobago zones:
    • Issues in Tobago motivated residents to fund cameras – need more residents to assist and link in.
    • Repeated attempts not generated any significant impetus from area residents.
    • Other areas not yet covered fully and we need help from residents.
    • Zones with analytics camera coverage have very few incidents if any.
  • Recent crime in the Deep South:
    • Home invasion incidents during 2022/3– none in Capri, but have been some issues in greater Deep South zone.
    • Usually homes on the urban edge, all incidents before residents go to bed.
    • SAPS and Security Service continue working on this and engaging NHW’s where appropriate.

So, overall serious crime is down. The SENIXA monitored cameras alongside the ADT dedicated vehicle and CNHW responders has had a favourable impact. We need to keep active and involved. Petty crime remains a challenge.

Thanks from Hardy Maritz

  • My CNHW committee without whom the CNHW would not exist or operate. Special thanks to long standing member Mark Bray who stepped down during 2023.
  • Our core group of responders, Gary, Ashley and Tyrone who give up huge amounts of their time, much of it late at night or early in the morning!
  • Our team of dedicated patrollers who give of their time and energy.
  • Capri residents for their support and engagement.
  • SENIXA for their commitment to providing excellent service, finding new and better ways to do things and for always being ready and willing to assist.
  • Fidelity-ADT for the continued deployment of a dedicated vehicle and ARO team.
  • Fish Hoek SAPS, Metro Police and the Sunnydale Ratepayers Association for all they do in and around our communities on a daily basis.
  • Jason Hartmann for his ongoing service to our community in many ways.


Senior Co-Ordinator/Chair: Hardy Maritz

Treasurer/Finance (Joint): Hardy Maritz assisted by Alison Davidson and Barbara van Rijsewijk

Patroller/Response Liaison (Joint): Ashley de Beer and Tyrone Brown

CCTV Project Operations: Martin Field

Website, Social Media and Communications: Barbara van Rijsewijk

Fund-Raising and Neighbourhood Upliftment Projects: Vivian van Eeden

Community Policing Forum/SAPS Liaison: Trevor Cohen

Secretary/Servicing Officer: Alison Davidson

Committee Members without Portfolios: Gary Louis and Sjanine Thomas

Capri Community and CNHW Channels